We’ll check palindrome number or not by reversing the half of the number and if it is equal to the other half then the number is a palindrome number or else not.
Problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/palindrome-number/
class Solution { public: bool isPalindrome(int n) {
// Negative numbers cannot be palindrome
// Also if the last digit of the number is 0
// the first digit of the number also needs to be 0
// Only 0 satisfy this condition
if(n < 0 || (n % 10 == 0 && n != 0)) {
return false;
// if the reverse of half of the number is
// equal to the other half then it's a palindrome
// When x > revnum, we've reached the middle of the number
int revnum = 0;
while(n > revnum) {
revnum = (revnum \* 10) + (n % 10);
n = n / 10;
// when length is an odd number, we need to get rid of the middle digit
// since the middle digit doesn't matter in palindrome
return n == revnum || n == revnum / 10;