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Palindrome Number LeetCode Solution

·1 min read
Mayukh Datta
Mayukh Datta

We’ll check palindrome number or not by reversing the half of the number and if it is equal to the other half then the number is a palindrome number or else not.


class Solution { public: bool isPalindrome(int n) {

    // Negative numbers cannot be palindrome
    // Also if the last digit of the number is 0
    // the first digit of the number also needs to be 0
    // Only 0 satisfy this condition
    if(n < 0 || (n % 10 == 0 && n != 0)) {
        return false;
    // if the reverse of half of the number is 
    // equal to the other half then it's a palindrome
    // When x > revnum, we've reached the middle of the number
    int revnum = 0;
    while(n > revnum) {
        revnum = (revnum \* 10) + (n % 10);
        n = n / 10;
    // when length is an odd number, we need to get rid of the middle digit
    // since the middle digit doesn't matter in palindrome
    return n == revnum || n == revnum / 10;
